Heyo, it's me, Tsimpitas Dimitris, frequently known as TsDim, TsimpDim, Dimi, Tsimpi, you name it :D Professionally, I started out as a Cloud Engineer focusing on Hyperscalers like AWS although responsibilities shifted throughout the years more towards Product Ownership and Project Management. The coding 'itch' however never left me which is why I always try to build and maintain personal projects, which I create to learn new technologies, fulfill my needs, and hopefully help others at the same time. It's a hobby I very much enjoy! On the hobby side of things though, coding is not the only player. I try to maintain a level of creative work through my photography and digital art. My investment in digital art started waaaay back when I was young, but photography was a newfound activity that started in the Corona days. Oh yeah, and biking, can't forget biking. Photography + biking is a combo I would recommend to everyone! Scroll through my stuff - hopefully you'll find something you like :) Also, here's where you can find me: GitHub LinkedIn E-mail