JAM! can be found under this link: https://jam.tsdim.net/

Remember: This project is in its early stages - a lot of polish & love is required before this can be described as a full-fledged product.


Finding a job is a tedious process. You have to send a bunch of applications across different sites, platforms, emails. You have to keep tabs on which companies you have applied to, and for which roles - as well as their descriptions. Well, I don’t know about you but I don’t like the process a lot.

That’s why I wrote JAM!, a JobApplicationManager to help you in this process, by providing a place where you can keep tabs on your job-finding journey. The platform works by providing the ability to create, and group, job applications that follow certain steps (which you define). You can then have a clear timeline of the process, add any comments you want, and make sure that you’ll always have a place with a good overview of your current job-seeking.


For this project I used Angular together with Clarity Design to serve the frontend, and Django w/ DRF for the backend/API which is served using Gunicorn and its ASGI integration. The application is fully running on an AWS environment backed by EC2 & RDS - and is deployed with Terraform.